Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How to Look Great on Camera

I’ve been filming people for a couple of years now. I ask them questions, and they talk about falling in love at the age of sixty, or beginning a new career as a writer at the age of fifty. They talk about God, and they talk about money. They show off the business they’ve worked hard to build, and how it’s finally taking off. They talk about what makes them happy, and they talk about what hurts.

They look gorgeous to me when the mask slips and they reveal their most relaxed and open selves. You can’t help but love them. They’re tender. They’re radiant. They’re loving. They laugh, they cry, they share themselves.

It gives me faith in humankind.

Then they see the video I’ve prepared and the complaints start to fly. My butt looks too big! Why didn’t I wear my hair up? Those pants look awful! I hate it when my eyes roll like that. Look at the saggy chin on me. I am going to lose twenty pounds immediately.

Here are five easy ways to look and sound great on camera:

1. Don’t forget to smile. This is not a colonoscopy. Your viewers relax when you’re relaxed. We can hear the smile in your voice, and we like it.
2. Breathe deep, way down in your belly, and let your voice deepen. Nervous voices are high and tight, while luscious voices are low, relaxed, easy.
3. If you’re sitting, don’t sag against the back of your chair. Sit up straight and lean forward slightly from the waist. This gives you a trim silhouette, and makes your waist look thin.
4. We hold fear in the jaw. Yawn, laugh and dance a silly dance in between takes. Adrenaline is good, it will help you, it will light you up. Let it be happy energy.
5. Happy hands are loose. No fists, no clenching, no wringing. Let your fingers uncurl, give your hands a good shake and let them flop.
6. Relax. You don’t have to try hard to look beautiful. You are beautiful.

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